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Lone Wolf World 

Sep 27, 2020 Graham  rated it 5/5 A great novel, so well written, so many insightful observations. The book inhabits the mind of an outcast who hates the world and decides to leave his mark on it. He's an intellectual who just doesn't fit in. Very quick to judge others and their flaws. You will probably find elements of yourself within its terse pages.

Oct 20, 2020 Elise  rated it 5/5 Just finished reading Anthony's "Lone Wolf World." A raw, intense novel about a sociopath whose egocentricity and narcissism was ingrained during his childhood. A powerful read.

Cameron - A brilliant read unlike anything I have read before, With classic lines such as 'Fee fi fo fum I smell the blood of white trash scum', it will keep you laughing and cringing the whole way through.

Oct 17, 2020 Susan  rated it 5/5 This was an intriguing book. Despite, or perhaps because of, the constant narrative of the main character, I found myself compellingly curious about him – what makes him tick, what will he do next? 

If you love stories where a character’s day goes from bad to worse, this is a good one. Also loved the touch of humour with multiple raw metaphors such as “the sun pierces me like a fork”. Fantastic! Somehow it made me feel I was in a film noir script. Don't get me wrong - it is very contemporary, very now. Gracie  rated it 5/5


Craig - ' “I’m done with communicating. It’s a misuse of my vitality. The tank is getting low. “. Every bodies tank is low now. The everyday discourse of people to understand each other, perhaps to find common ground or at least to simply agree to disagree is no longer possible. We can’t even agree to disagree now.  Somebody has to win and somebody has to lose. It’s bull shit. In the end everybody loses. Langford nails it.'

Jo - The book grabbed me right from page one. I see so much of myself in the thoughts and actions of the Lone Wolf. Enthralling. A roller-coaster ride!

John - I found myself disliking the protagonist but more disturbingly for me, I found myself agreeing more and more with his insights. Great read, full of observations of the modern human condition.

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There is no place more lonely than the inner city. No place more fitting to make observations on the fallibility of human beings and the easiest to design their downfall. Ideology isn’t his motivation. He hates everyone, equally. His voice is unique. And he will be heard. This bravely ambitious novel is like a modern ‘American Psycho’. A triumphant literary work exploring tragic and often inhumanly-human consequences. Heartbreaking, complex and masterful. Dominic Kirwan - Poet, Author.

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