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Travel Bug - The Movie

Kathy Chris Richard Trevor early feb 90 (1).jpg
Travel Bug screenplay

Short story

One Simple Song

An 8 year old girl creates her first song and 

dedicates it to her sick friend. 6 pgs

Flipping the Stone


A short story
Dedicated to my dear friend Sally

A giveaway for those purchased 
Bottomless River (2012) 

Sally passed away in 2022

Sal ' in the day.jpg

Regret  Runs Deep

like a

Bottomless River

Bottomless River - 80 pgs


Debut novella now FREE!

Copy it directly to your Kindle. Works well.

Bottomless River

Bottomless River Cover-low res.jpg

Revenge, is a dish best served warm.

An Anti-Reality TV short story


All Empires Crumble

10 Mental Health Poems


with original artwork by M. Tau


The Feel Good Ten

Ten separate inspirational poems on visual backgrounds

The Hopeless Romantic

A man walks alone through the bush reflecting on his lost loves and what to do when he reaches the cliff's edge.


2018 Novella with images PLUS music Video below
Below that is the Audiobook Version

2017-03-11 18.29.18.png

The Streets have the last laugh

Ten vignettes with the theme of the City

Her Death Wish

A young woman contemplates whether her life is worth living.

An epic poem


Pseudo Stars - Companion Piece

Two extra short stories plus the background to each story in the book

Purchase Book HERE

Pseudo Stars book cover

City of Great Large

The story of a village boy, who heads to the big city, but disaster awaits

Nominated for the U.S. Pushcart Prize 2014

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