I DO NOT! (Or did I already do it?)
Did this writer stick to their guns?

The Lone Wolf is Coming...
There is no place lonelier than the inner city. No place more fitting to make observations on the fallibility of human beings and the...

Interview with Author and Playwright, Pete Malicki
Pete Malicki Short bio from his website. Pete 'fell' into playwrighting shortly after leaving school and has since completed five novels...

Tour De Force - Author Ian Irvine
Prolific. Hugely successful. Internationally renowned. But who is Ian Irvine? Anthony: Thank you Ian for agreeing to have a chat. Tell...

Interview with Miles Franklin Winner, Sofie Laguna
Sofie Laguna Sofie Laguna is an Australian writer who won the 2015 Miles Franklin Award for her novel, The Eye of the Sheep. She has...