The Moral Crusaders and the Hypocritical Escapades
This is dedicated to...
Well, you can work it out.
The Foot Soldiers of Political Change
Change is in the Wind, like a stale fart
They took something bad
And made it right
And then repeated the same mistake
Never knowing when to stop
Without observing the flapping faux pas
On their nose
Like a discarded embryo sac
Made buoyant by the hot winds
Of time
Once again solidifying
The corpses of errors
Piled endlessly throughout history
Reborn and Redressed
For the new school of thought.
There’s nothing like running that injustice
Into the putrid layers
Of hypocrisy
Tomorrow’s fossil fuel
Still fermenting
Yet, if you put your lips to the populous Holy Wall
The stench is obvious
As the silver lining sphincters
From whence superiority flows.
Written in 2016 in the midst of Social Justice Warrior Mass Hysteria. Unfortunately it's still going with discrimination occurring openly, except now, after the media ran with it, it's been integrated into business and government policy, all in the name of uh, non-discrimination.
Next will be reeducation camps.
While the above poem is more about arrogance and hypocrisy, I do like this quote.
Coming next week,
My unproduced feature length screenplay, Travel Bug, based on some of my travels when I was young. Written before there were reams of the 'easily offended.' So it must come with a Warning to protect them.