Cynical - From the heart
I'm beginning a new series of Quotes that can be easily copied and shared. Or collected if you wish. I hope you enjoy them. I don't know how many I'll make. We shall see. Depending on your feedback I guess!

The poem below speaks about writing from the heart and staying away from what's popular.
Write or Right
Write more from your life
He said
(Me to Me)
That’s what they want to hear
The ‘real’ truth
Beyond the poetry
Even if the words slice deeper
Than last minute surgery
Though haste often results
In a botch.
The guts of it
Is the genesis for yearning
Personal sacrifice irrelevant
Only intestines torn
And delivered
Is a worthwhile investment
Unless the folly of fashion
Frolics in the coloured pond
The dye of the ‘day’.
You’ll slip to the sidelines
With nothing substantial to cling to
As no one can shoulder sense
Against the Crowd of Now.
Anthony J. Langford Ⓒ 2018

Spleen et ideal by Carlos Schwabe 1907
(The idea for me, is about venting one's spleen, ala passion)
I find a lot of poetry published today has the same type of technical approach. A certain way of phrasing. It's not for me. I generally like to make my poetry about emotion. And most of the time, I hope that it's accessible. Some like to re-edit until it's 'impressive.' Dress to impress. Some write to suit a particular publication, so it will be accepted. Fuck that. For me it's about rhythm and flow, emotion and irony. That's it. I hardly edit. Best to keep it reasonably simple.

Anyway, hope you're well. Say hi if you wish.
Coming next,
A new entry in the Famous After Death series, an artist you may not have heard of. He's certainly unique. Or was.