I DO NOT! (Or did I already do it?)
Did this writer stick to their guns?

End of life Milestones
Misplaced treasures At 79 One tends to spend More time looking back Than forward (perhaps a sign that I need a new hobby). I reflect on...

My book Us & Them was a failure? What to do with disappointment...
Hey, How are you? First Post of 2023 Hope it will be a great year for you. If not, fake it until you believe it. I'm going to try that...

A look at the diverse mix of stories of Us & Them - something for everyone!
Hi, Let's look at the thirteen diverse stories in Us & Them, from true stories to comedies to Oh my God moments and dedications. In order...

This is what you need. Video - Us & Them
How are you? This is what I need at times. I feel as though you might too. What you need It's from my new story/poetry collection, Us &...

New video trailer! Us & Them - A beautiful collection on connection
There's Us and Them Yet, aren't we all struggling to find meaning and connection, amongst the chaos? 13 stories and 79 poems on the theme...

At the end of her life, she said this to me. She was 100
Hi, How's your week going? Just quickly, my mother has been caught up in the Victorian floods, where I grew up. It was higher than the...