I DO NOT! (Or did I already do it?)
Did this writer stick to their guns?
The Asshole Theory. Is it accurate?
Hear me out. 20% of all people are arseholes. Another 20% are pretty great people. They'll help out others. In fact, they'll go out of...
Anti-depressants and why you don't need them. (Part 2/2 Solutions)
Drugs are being over prescribed If anti-depressants work, why do so many people still have depression? Why are there more people...
The terrifying rise of anti-depressants and why you don't need them. (Part 1/2 The Problem)
Drugs are not a magic solution, yet are over prescribed If anti-depressants work, why do so many people have depression? Why are there...
My review of the 2022 film Barbarian so controversial that IMDB refused to publish it. Twice.
Really? They refused? Why? You be the judge. Warning; many spoilers. It'll make more sense too if you have seen it. Review 'Let's face...